Resources for parents

Being a parent is not easy. But with God’s help, you can do it!

Our hope is to partner with you so that our children know God at an early age. Please check out these helpful parent resources that we’ve specifically selected with you in mind.


Preschool  Anxiety Conversation Guide
It’s very common for preschoolers to experience varying levels of anxiety. At this age, children are afraid of all kinds of things, but typically lack the cognitive skills to fear the abstract (failure, rejection, etc.), and instead worry about concrete things like dogs, noises, and the weather...


Elementary Anxiety Conversation Guide
Whether it’s bad weather, sleeping away from home, or test-taking, it’s very common for elementary schoolers to experience varying levels of anxiety...


Helping Kids Cope With Anxiety (Podcast)
Dr. Chinwe Williams, a licensed professional counselor, shares ways to identify signs of anxiety and how to help your kids through their experience with it in today’s Best Of Parent Cue Live episode with hosts, Carlos Whittaker and Kristen Ivy...

Depression and Suicide

Teen Depression and Suicide (Podcast)
Dr. Chinwe Williams, a licensed professional counselor, joins host, Kristen Ivy, to talk about ways to recognize and address teen depression and suicide...

Depression and Suicide

How to Talk About Suicide
Most parents know when they have kids that at some point they’ll have “the talk.” The one about the birds and the bees that incites awkwardness. Or some parents will leave a book with confusing anatomical drawings. (Thanks Mom.) Even still, there are some parents who just hope their kids “figure it out.”  But do any parents consider talking to their kids about suicide in the same way...


Talking About Racism
If you’ve been paying attention these last few years, you know this: Racism is real. But when it comes to talking to kids about racism, many parents are uncertain about how to talk about it with their kids. And while we want to address it, we wish we could shelter them from ever witnessing anything so reminiscent of our dark and painful history...

News and Politics

The Pour Over for Families
How we consume and respond to the news is a discipleship issue. The pour over is an unbiased, Christ-centered, news outlet.  If you sign up for their email list, you'll receive an email consisting of one major news story from the week, re-written for families and paired with conversation prompts to help parents raise discerning and compassionate children. All in under 3 minutes.

Smartphones and Kids

Talking About Racism
One of the most common questions parents are asking today is "what age should we give our child a smartphone?"  This is a good question, but it is one piece of a much bigger conversation of how to set our children up for technological success.   Click 'learn more' to find a great resource that not only strives to answer the many questions, but also frames the conversation through a Christian lens.


The Whole Sex Talk (Video Series with Workbooks)
The Whole Sex Talk™ is a Biblically-based, six-session multimedia program that empowers parents to have healthy, ongoing conversations with their kids about love, sex, and relationships. Created by the Pregnancy Resource Center of Grand Rapids - and based on years of teaching a similar program in schools and churches throughout West Michigan - this program can be used individually, as a couple, with your kids, or in a small group setting...

General Parenting

Parenting At Different Stages of Child’s Life
Every church knows that kids matter.
A better question is, does your church act like every kid matters at every phase?  This book presents a challenge to churches to treat every kid who breathes like they are made in the image of God...

Mental Health

Understanding Teens
Parents often wonder how to tell the difference between typical teenage behaviors and warning signs of serious problems.  It’s wise to be alert. Three-quarters of mental illnesses begin by age 24. Although teens may look mature, their brains aren’t fully adult until sometime in their 20s. During this final development, they are more vulnerable to mental illness and addiction...


Kids and Technology (Podcast)
Kara Powell, PhD, co-author of the Right Click: Parenting Your Teenager In A Digital Media World and executive director of Fuller Youth Institute, joins Reggie Joiner and Kristen Ivy to talk about how parents can enjoy technology with their kids, set healthy boundaries, and develop technological responsibility...


Preschool Bible
The Beginner’s Bible is where a child’s journey towards a lifelong love of God’s Word begins.
Kids will enjoy reading the story of Noah’s Ark as they see Noah helping the elephant onto the big boat. They will learn about the prophet Jonah as they see him praying inside the fish. And they will follow along with the text of Jesus’ ministry as they see a man in need of healing lowered down through the roof of a house...


Elementary Bible
The New International Reader’s Version is based on the bestselling New International Version, written for a third-grade reading level—among the lowest reading level of any Bible translation available. Like the NIV, the NIrV achieves great accuracy through equal rigor to the original languages and today’s English. The NIrV makes the Bible understandable to younger readers and anyone else who would benefit from easier-to-read language....


Middle through High School Bible
Most youth Bibles are just teen versions of adult Bibles. Live takes an all-new, teen-centered approach. It includes a wealth of experiences and activities that help teens discover surprising things about God, see God involved in their lives, and express their faith creatively...

YouVersion Bible App

Kids Bible Experience
The YouVersion Bible App is available on every app store and contains great resources to make reading the Bible accessible and understandable for all ages.  

Bible App for Kids

Bible stories in an interactive app
This is a great free app for our pre-K and elementary students to learn the Bible in a fun and interactive way!  

The Parent Cue App

More parenting resources
Every parent has 936 weeks of influence from the time their child is born until they graduate. Parent Cue helps you count the weeks and connects you with practical things to read, do, or say to help you engage with the heart of your child this week. Designed for parents of babies through high schoolers, these prompts will come in the form of videos and things to talk about in the morning, at mealtime, or while you are cuddling with your toddler or driving in the car. Each week there’s even a Phase Cue to help you understand the developmental phase your child is in today. 936 weeks. You don’t want to miss a single one.

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